
Build a user-friendly online store that is also search-engine-friendly.



Why use SearchFit?

searchfit eway logo

The leaders of SearchFit began as search engine optimization (SEO) specialists, who, through the years have become experts in eCommerce and SEO. Before SearchFit was conceived, the founders ran several successful ecommerce websites and provided SEO and eCommerce consulting services to businesses. Soon they added web development and domain registration services to the repertoire.

SearchFit was built out of necessity. When SearchFit first launched, there was no other shopping cart on the market that provided any substantial SEO features. SearchFit thrives because it helps drive search engine traffic to websites organically. This unleashed a potent combo of user-friendly online stores that are also search-engine-friendly. To further support the growing needs of our clients, SearchFit began offering a variety of services to assist customers including PPC management, text link advertising and website content writing.

There are many reasons to choose SearchFit Shopping Cart other than its focus on SEO. The flexibility of licensing a SearchFit Shopping Cart makes all the difference when growing your business. Each solution is custom tailored to businesses with different needs and sizes. SearchFit customers also benefit from customer service agents who care and who value their client’s goals. Highly trained consultants are available during business hours to help each and every customer with questions.

SearchFit installation guide

  1. Login to your SearchFit cart
  2. In the Setting tab click on Credit Card Processors and select eWAY
  3. Enter your eWAY Customer ID, and click update.