At Eway, we take a lot of things very seriously. Merchant happiness, developing superior technology, PCI Compliance … the list goes on.
One thing on the list you may not know about is ping pong. But OOOOOOH BOY, do we take it seriously.
So strap yourselves in folks, here’s the photo story of how Eway claimed victory over its sister company, Ezidebit, at the first annual Inter-Company Ping Pong Championships.
THE DAY APPROACHES: The players were picked, the date was set, and the advertising was up.
THE SCENE IS SET: It was an early start for the eWAY team, as they prepared the ping pong table for the match ahead.
IT’S ALL ABOUT THE CROWD: The eWAY Mascot emerged to get the crowd going.
THE LIVE STREAM: No inter-company competition is complete without the live stream across the country.
ENTER THE ENEMY: The Ezidebit team, rocking a frankly magnificent uniform, enters the arena.
ENTER OUR CHAMPIONS: *It’s the, eye of the tiger, it’s the play of the night…*
THE RULES WERE SET: Our consultant, JT, was the only neutral party, and perfect choice to ref.
THE COIN TOSS: In true tech company style, we had an app for this (no I am not kidding).
THE WINNING SHOT: Honestly, we should all become pro photographers after this.
WINNER WINNER! eWAY SMASHED it and took out the win.
ANOTHER AWARD! Here’s our Sales Director, Joel, winning the Wooden Spoon for the preliminaries. We’re not sure why he’s so happy tbh.
And finally…
When returning to their home town of Brisbane, the Ezidebit team, as punishment for their poor performance, had to wear the eWAY uniform – sending a message of our victory to all.
NOT HAPPY: Let’s just say they copped a stern word from the CEO upon their return.
Until next time, Ezidebit!

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